Tuesday, 3 February 2015

January Wrap Up | 2015

Howdy, folks!
Welcome to my January Wrap up where I let you know what I read in that month.
I did a video showing all the books, so feel free to check it out to see all the books!

These are 3 examples of some books that I read. I managed to read 12 books which is great considering the circumstances (lost a job, looked for a job, got a job).
I hope that in February I can do just as well. With books, that is.

I am not going to do a February TBR video or post as I am TERRIBLE at sticking to it. So I am going to attempt to do weekly TBRs and Wrap Ups.

What to look forwards to...

I have my January book haul uploading today, and tomorrow I shall let you all know what I am reading and planning on reading in my WWW Wednesdays post. 

I'm trying to get back into blogging as well as incorporating my BookTube channel so they can be linked together. 
I've been lazy in my blog, and I feel bad because of it. 
Hopefully this year I can stick to the blog and do more posts and keep it updated.
Fingers crossed!

Well guys, that's all for this post.

Let me know how you did in January, and what you plan to read in February.

Thank you for giving it a read.

Keep smiling, keep reading and be happy & I'll see you next time! 


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