Monday, 26 January 2015

Monday Missions!! 26th Jan - 1st Feb 2015

Hello and welcome to a Monday Missions post where I talk about what I am reading for the week. Monday Missions acts as a weekly TBR It was created by A Thousand Lives of Daisy over on YouTube.

1. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard 
I have this for review and I have already started it. I am 1/3 through and LOVING it!

2. Rebellion by Stephanie Diaz
This is the sequel to Extraction, which I read last year and loved. Can't wait to see what happens next! 

3. Life in the Fat Lane by Cherie Bennett
I have owned this book for over 2 years now which is terrible! I picked i out of my TBR jar, and I'm actually looking forwards to reading this now.

And that shall be all! 
I don't want to be too ambitious because of work, etc. I always try to read 3 books a week, so I hope to achieve this.

Let me know what you guys plan on reading this week in the comments below.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Keep smiling, keep reading and be happy.


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