Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Monday Missions | 28th March - 3rd April

Heya, Guys!

Welcome to a Monday Mission post where I talk about what I want to read for the week.

I realise this is a day late, and unfortunately I got busy yesterday.

Good news is I'm off work this week, so I can get a lot of reading done whilst Sean is at work (providing Pokemon Alpha Sapphire doesn't distract me that is!).

Currently reading...

I am 150 pages into this book now and am REALLY enjoying it! 
Look out for my review when I'm done!

Books left on TBR for this week...

 This one I'm really excited to get to.
I got Sean to pick out of my library books which one to read next, and he chose this one!

Sean loves his fantasy (when he gets to read, as he rarely does!), so of course he chose this for me to read this week out of my own books.
To be honest, it is about time as well!

Well guys, I'm afraid that's all for this post.

Lt me know what you're reading this week down in the comments below!

Until next time!

Keep smiling, keep reading & be happy!


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