Saturday, 26 March 2016

March and Scholastic Book Haul

Howdy, folks!
Welcome to my book haul where I let you know what books I received.
I did a video showing all the books, so feel free to check it out to see all the books!

What to look forwards to...

I have my March wrap up to film and type up. I also have my April TBR to film and type up to share with you guys. 
I will also be doing weekly TBRs and wrap ups on here again as my TBR's seem to change a lot, and this way I can keep you updated with how my reading is going and if I've finished any books etc :)

I'm trying to get back into blogging as well as incorporating my BookTube channel again so they can be linked together. 
I've been lazy in my blog, and I feel bad because of it. 
So lazy that I haven't blogged for over a year!
Hopefully this year I can stick to the blog and do more posts and keep it updated.
Fingers crossed!

Well guys, that's all for this post.
Let me know what books you've bought recently.
Thank you for giving it a read.
Keep smiling, keep reading and be happy & I'll see you next time! 


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