Monday, 23 September 2013

Review: No Such Thing as Forever by Ali Cronin

Title: No Such Thing as Forever
Author: Ali Cronin

Series: Girl Heart Boy (Book #1)
Rating: 3/5 Stars

Cass is Ms Monogamy. Ashley is a player. Donna is a party girl. But what about Sarah?

Her friends tease her for being uptight, but she's waiting for the one. Now she's found him, but is he forever - or is Sarah just his summer fling?

My thoughts: 

 I borrowed this book from my local library.


The storyline is about a summer fling between two people, but one person doesn't want anything serious. It contains romance, friendship and betrayal. I thought the storyline was OK. I didn't enjoy it, but I didn't exactly hate it.


The front cover gives off a very romantic vibe. The two people are very intimate, and the title is clear because of the very bright font.


When reading the synopsis I wanted to know more about this summer fling, and the guy involved.


Sarah - The main protagonist, and I found her to be the most annoying of all. She was so whiney and pathetic that I wanted to jump into the book and wrap my hands around her neck, or slap her. She "fell in love" with Joe way too quickly.
Ashley, Donna - Sarah's friends, and they really care about Sarah. I liked them both.
Joe - What an absolute sleazeball. I hated him so much. 
Mimi - Bitch. She needed a slap too.
Ollie & Jack - Great guy mates.


The chapters are a decent length and it's written in first person. I just wish Sarah wasn't such an annoying person to be telling the story.


The writing style is easy to understand and clear.

~Title relevance~ 

"No Such Thing as Forever" meaning: nothing lasts forever. Romances don't all last. Forever is a long time. It was a good title relevance.


The beginning of the book was really good. I was introduced to all the characters, and the summer fling between Joe and Sarah was described to me. Like how they met, etc.


The ending had me curious. Will something happen between a certain two characters?

~Rating & overall thoughts~

Overall it was an OK read. I found myself trying to finish the book as fast as I could because the main character annoyed me so much. I gave it three stars.


If you like reading summer fling romances, then give this a try. I hope you can learn to deal with Sarah though!

I hope you have enjoyed reading this review.

Happy reading =)


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