Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Review: Girl 16, Five Star Fiasco by Sue Limb

Title: Girl 16, Five Star Fiasco
Author: Sue Limb

Series: Jess Jordan (Book #5)
Rating: 4/5 Stars


The teenage world of Jess Jordon is looking characteristically chaotic: Mum has joined an online dating programme and has recruited Jess as advisor, while Jess's best friend Flora has a rich new boyfriend who Jess can't possibly keep up with. Then Jess's own boyfriend, Fred, does something unbelievably treacherous and spineless. Jess is becoming completely fed up with the male sex, and is beginning to think that the only reliable form of male is e-mail . . . Never mind, there's Valentine's Day to look forward to. Fred is sure to make amends then. Isn't he?

Full of Sue Limb's very funny take on teenage life and problems, fans of Girl, 15 will be thrilled to have available a new Fred and Jess story.

My thoughts:

 This was a book that I borrowed from my library. I never got to finish the Jess Jordan series by Sue Limb, so when I saw my library had this book, I had to grab it as I remember loving the series.


The story continues from the previous book - where it left off - with Jess and Fred being an item. However Fred is acting weird. Everything is turning into a complete shambles, and poor Jess is lumbered with the problem. This is a great story about organisation, trust and friendship.


The cover of the book is really snazzy. It really grabs your attention with all the bright colours. It's almost like an opposite thing. The book is about everything being a mess, and even though it is, things still can be bright and cheerful. That's what I get from the cover. 


So the synopsis to me sounded like everything was going wrong in Jess' life. And I wanted to know if she was going to pull it off or not. 


Jess - Jess is a funny character. She is very hilarious, and can sometimes come across annoying, but that's because she has such a HUGE personality.
Fred - Fred is a joker. Everybody loves him, but for some reason in this book he annoyed me. He was being far too mysterious for my liking.
Flora - Flora is a good friend of Jess' and she really cares for her.
Jess' Dad -He is a top guy, and really cares for his family when in desperate need.
Martin -  Martin seems like a really genuine guy. I hope he's a keeper!
Polly - Polly seems like a great person. She wants to help Jess no matter what, even if they don't really know each other that well.


The story is written in second person and the chapters are short. The font is also nice and easy to read.


  The writing is addictive, hilarious and easy to understand.

~Title relevance~

The relevance of the title to the book is good because "Fie Star Fiasco" refers to it being a complete shambles of a mess. And indeed that is what is entailed in this story.


 The beginning of the story had me being introduced to the characters and the event that they were planning.

The ending left me feeling intrigued as to what's going to happen in the next book, as well as disappointed. The reason I felt disappointed is because there was something mysterious about a character in this book that I thought was going to be revealed, when it turned out to be nothing.

 ~Rating & overall thoughts~

Overall I gave this book four stars because it was a good read and I did enjoy it.

 I recommend if you are into funny antics and if you like the Georgia Nicholson series by Louise Rennison.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this review.

Happy reading =)


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