Friday, 6 September 2013

Feature & Follow Friday - 6th September 2013

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow 

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

This weeks Question:

Q: Bookshelf tour. Give us a tour of your bookshelf.

Now, a lot of you will be amused by this because I don't own any bookshelves. So where do I store my books you ask? Why, in my book cupboard of course! Still confused? Let me help you out with some pictures I took and some videos at the bottom =)

This is the entrance to my book cupboard; what it looks like when you open the doors.

 <-- These piles on the desk are my review copies.

The pile behind them are books I own.

<-- Along the back of the desk are my Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series; surrounded by my ornaments. 

<-- I normally leave "Books to haul" on the edge of the desk (where Wait for you is)

Books galore! 

<---These books are my paranormal/fantasy books

 <----The books in the tray are series books, and the pile next to it are series books. I'm currently trying to finish series I'm in the middle of.

And yes, the pile to the very left are my adult books, the next, middle and far are my general young adult fiction books.-->


These are the library books I have at the moment -->


<---These are single/standalone books that I've read.

These are the series books I've read-->

<---These are my girly books, like Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot books.

<-- These are some review copies of series, and library books of series.

A general view of the back and right hand side.

A general view of the pile of books on the left as you enter.

Now we move on to my "Special shelf". These are my ULTIMATE favourite books and signed books, etc.

<--Here we have my Harry Potter books. 
Audio CD books are at the front. Behind the adult books, and a couple of special editions, and behind those, the standard UK children's set. 

Here we have my Twilight books, movie covers, audio CD sets and the special edition diaries.-->

The general view of the special shelf. 
This shelf is located in the cupboard next to my book cupboard.  

These are my other signed and special edition books -->

Here are some videos I did at the beginning of the year. The book cupboard is out of date and needs another video filmed at some point, but it gives you the gist. 

So there you have it. I hope you have enjoyed my book cupboard pictures. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

 If you do decide to follow, leave a link to your blog below and I'll follow back.  I always love finding new blogs and making new friends. You can follow me via Bloglovin', GFC, Linky, or Networked Blogs =) 



  1. Hi, Katie.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier on Primrose Musings. I love you book cupboard and those special shelf for Harry Potter books are to die for!

    1. That's all right. Thank you for stopping by and following back <3

  2. Wow, you have a book cupboard, i want a book cupboard. You have so many books as well, have you read all of them? Great F&F though, new follower via the G+ thing :)
    Sanna @ Fanciful Fictions
    My F&F

    1. Ahaha nope =P I have SO many on my TBR list D:
      I followed you back via Bloglovin and Twitter =D

  3. WOW! Can I move in with you. As long as there is space for a fold up mattress, and a good supply of coffee, I'm good to go. Love it.

    New follower via GFC.

    Happy Friday!

    Sandra @ SSBF Blog

    Here’s my FF

    1. Yes!! I'd love for you to move in haha. Maybe not in the cupboard as theres no room there.
      Thank you for following. I followed you back via Bloglovin =)

  4. Hi Katie,
    Like Sandra from SSBF blog, I will be happy to move in with you... I miss the space in my small parisian flat! Sniff!
    New follower,


    1. Haha the more to stay the merrier!
      Thanks for following. I followed you back via GFC =D

  5. OMG! I love your book cupboard and how well it's organized! Thanks so much for the tour. You have LOTS of awesome books.

    Thanks for hopping by my blog earlier. I'm now following you via Bloglovin and GFC.

    Happy Friday!

    1. Haha theres SO many books I need to read, but the more books makes it look pretty! Haha

      Thank you for following my blog. I hope you enjoy you stay =D

  6. LOVE it! Now that's a collection ;) *sigh* I want my books back!!! Happy Friday.

  7. WOW You have quite the collection. I wish I had as many books! Thanks for sharing, I love seeing people's book collections.

    Old Follower,
    - Sunny @ A Sunny Spot Blog

  8. WOW you have so many books!!!What an AMAZING collection.

    New GFC follower, here is my Follow friday

    1. Haha.

      Thanks for following me. I followed you back =)
