Friday, 2 August 2013

Feature & Follow Friday - 2nd August 2013

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

This weeks Question:

Q: How do you handle a book you don’t like? Do you DNF or do you power through? 


I always try to finish any book that I can. I force myself. Sometimes I find the book can improve slightly near the end. It doesn't feel right if I don't at least try to finish it.

 If you do decide to follow, leave a link to your blog below and I'll follow back.  I always love finding new blogs and making new friends. You can follow me via Bloglovin', Linky or Networked Blogs =) 




  1. Yea, that's true. Good answer :)

    new follower via twitter, bloglovin & goodreads

  2. I always try to finish books too! :) I'm a bloglovin follower.

  3. Usually I will give a book 50-100 pages before I DNF if I'm not enjoying it. I used to power through but I no longer have the time and it turned reading into a chore. There are too many books on my tbr pile for me to feel guilty and I'm picky about what I read, so only have 1 DNF so far!

    New follower :)

    Mia Hoddell

    Gift card giveaway -> more entries = more money given away

    1. I just feel bad on the book lol.
      I followed you back via Bloglovin'

  4. I have a 33% mark rule. It used to be 25, but I upped it ;-) If I still can't get into it it will usually turn into a DNF. But that's rare

    New follower (

    1. Good idea.
      I followed you back via Bloglovin'

  5. I always try and finish a book, but if it's not working, it's not working and I stop.
    I do always feel guilty though!
    Thanks for stopping by my FF! New follower via Bloglovin' Twitter and Google+
    ~Tilly @ Hardcore Heroines

  6. new follower here,hope you can follow me back

    please visit my site Mich Book Shelf

  7. nice blog,new follower here

    hope you can visit my site Mich Book Shelf
